Habitat Overview
Regional Fishery Management Councils are required to designate essential fish habitat (EFH) and take steps to minimize the impacts of fishing on EFH to the extent practicable. NOAA Fisheries information on EFH can be found here. The New England Council’s 2018 Omnibus EFH Amendment 2 (OHA2): (1) updated essential fish habitat designations for all species for which the Council has lead management responsibility, now at 28; (2) designated new Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPCs); and (3) revised the current habitat and groundfish management areas. The amendment used the Swept Area Seabed Impact (SASI) model, developed by the Council, to assess habitat vulnerability to fishing gear and develop revised habitat management areas. An updated version of this model, called Fishing Effects, will be used on an ongoing basis to support the Council’s habitat conservation efforts. Since 2023 and in collaboration with the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC), the Council has been reviewing essential fish habitat information across all its fishery management plans. NOAA’s EFH regulations state that such reviews should occur every five years. Note that the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council develops the EFH designation for spiny dogfish, which is jointly managed with the New England Council.Following implementation of OHA2 in 2018, the Council developed a trailing action that considered whether to exempt clam dredges in the Great South Channel (GSC) Habitat Management Area (HMA). Three exemption areas for clam and mussel dredges went into effect in 2020. The Council established research objectives for two other sections of this HMA in 2019.
A new HAPC in Southern New England went into effect in 2024. The designation's purpose is to foster development of conservation recommendations that avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts from offshore wind development in the near term and possibly from offshore aquaculture in the future.
The Council’s Deep-Sea Coral Amendment designated coral management zones and fishing gear restrictions to prevent fishing gears from damaging sensitive coral habitats in the Gulf of Maine and south of Georges Bank. This action was implemented in 2021.
The Council’s Habitat Committee and staff actively engage in the development of offshore wind in the Northeast region by: (1) participating in various groups seeking to avoid and mitigate the effects of offshore wind on marine species and fisheries; and (2) helping to facilitate coordinated regional science and monitoring. The Council works closely with the Mid-Atlantic Council to develop comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and serve as a resource to the fishing industry. The Councils’ joint wind webpage is hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Council and can be accessed via the Quick Link at right called NEFMC/MAFMC Offshore Wind Webpage. Council comments on offshore wind and other issues are available here.
The Council is also engaged in other regional habitat and ocean planning efforts, including the Northeast Regional Habitat Assessment (NRHA). NRHA characterized estuarine, coastal, and offshore fish habitat distribution, abundance, and quality in tidal inshore to offshore waters from Maine to the border of North Carolina and South Carolina. Products are available through the NRHA Data Explorer and are being used to update EFH designations.
Related News, Press Releases, and Announcements
- Council Covers Atlantic Herring, Habitat, and Risk Policy Issues; Learns About Fisheries Research in Offshore Wind Areas
- Council Discontinues Work on Northern Edge Framework
- Northern Edge of Georges Bank: Council Narrows Range of Scallop Access Concept Areas for Further Analysis
- Council Receives 2023 Scallop Survey Overview; Discusses VMS Ping Rates, Northern Edge; Approves Survey Guiding Principles
- Fishermen Encouraged to Watch Out for Bright Orange SAILDRONES in Eastern Gulf of Maine Beginning August 28, 2023
- Council Signs Off on Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Framework
- Habitat: Council Receives Updates on Salmon Aquaculture Framework, Offshore Wind; Retains Georges Bank DHRA
- New England and Mid-Atlantic Councils and Partners Launch Habitat Data Explorer; One-Stop Tool Ready for Use
- Council Seeks Applicants for All 2023-2025 Advisory Panels; Wide Range of Monkfish, Groundfish, Rec Fishermen Needed
- Council Approves HAPC for Southern New England; Previews Northeast Regional Habitat Assessment Data Explorer
- Council Initiates Action for HAPC in Southern New England; Discusses Great South Channel Habitat Management Area
- Council Approves Revised Wind Energy Policy; Receives Offshore Wind Project Updates from BOEM
- Council Receives Updates on Offshore Wind, Atlantic Herring, EBFM, and More; Approves 2021-2025 Research Priorities
- Council Seeks Contractor for Habitat Climate Vulnerability Assessment Matrix and Species Narratives Development
- Council Discusses Scallops, Habitat, Climate Change, NTAP, Congressional Updates, and Ecosystem at April Meeting
- December 2020 Council Meeting Highlights: EBFM, Habitat, SBRM, Whiting, Dogfish, Herring, and More
- Council Calendar: Here’s Our November 2020 Meeting Lineup: Groundfish, Scallops, Whiting, Habitat – Join Our Webinars!
- Council Discusses Skates, Atlantic Herring, Red Hake, EBFM, Habitat, and Research Priorities at June Meeting
- Deep-Sea Coral Amendment to Provide Sweeping Habitat Protection, Including in Canyons and Seamounts Monument
- Habitat: Council Reviews Great South Channel HMA Research Proposal; Receives Offshore Wind Updates
- NEFMC Seeks Applicants for Fishery Advisory Panels
- Habitat: Council Discusses Great South Channel HMA Research; Offshore Energy; New Fishing Effects Model
- Council Hosts Offshore Wind Special Session; Discusses EBFM, Commercial eVTRs, and RSA Program Review
- Clam Dredge Framework: Council Signs Off on New Measures for Great South Channel HMA
- Council Forwards Clam Dredge Framework Alternatives for Analysis
- Offshore Wind: New England and Mid-Atlantic Councils Launch New Webpage
- Council Sends Clam Dredge Framework Back to Habitat Committee to Develop New Alternatives
- Council Discusses Offshore Wind, Clam Dredge FW, Skates, Groundfish, Herring, IFM at Mid-April Meeting
- Council Takes Final Action on Coral Amendment; Comments on Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling
- NMFS Approves Majority of Council’s Habitat Amendment
- Scallops: Framework 29 “Highest Yield, Lowest Impact” Alternative Advances Following NMFS Habitat Decision
- Council Postpones Coral Action for Continental Slope/Canyons Pending Analysis of New Alternative; Takes Steps for GOM
- NEFMC Announces Coral Amendment Public Hearing Schedule
- Deep-Sea Corals: Council Selects Preferred Alternatives for Gulf of Maine, Continental Slope and Canyons
- NEFMC to Host Coral Workshops to Solicit Input From Active Fishermen
- Council Previews Deep-Sea Coral Amendment Analysis; Addresses Marine National Monument Overlap Issues
- Work Continues on Coral Amendment, Clam Dredge Framework
- Council to Weigh New Marine Monument Impacts, Implications
- Georges Bank Habitat Protection Reconfigured
- NEFMC April/May newsletter available; includes map of approved habitat areas
- NEFMC Takes Action on Habitat Amendment
- Habitat Omnibus Amendment 2 Public Hearing Schedule
Upcoming Meetings
There are currently no upcoming meetings for Habitat
Past Meetings
Plan Amendments, Frameworks, and Specifications
Plan Amendments
April 9, 2018
This action implements approved regulations for the New England Fishery Management Council’s Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2. This rule revises essential fish habitat and habitat area of particular concern designations, revises or creates habitat management areas, including gear restrictions, to protect vulnerable habitat from fishing gear impacts, establishes dedicated habitat research areas, and implements several administrative measures related to reviewing these measures, as well as other regulatory adjustments to implement these measures. This action is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to periodically review essential fish habitat designations and protections. The measures are designed to minimize to the extent practicable the adverse effects of fishing on essential fish habitat.
June 25, 2021
The Deep-Sea Coral Amendment includes management areas to protect coral habitat from the impacts of fishing gears, provisions to encourage further research on deep-sea corals and fisheries, and measures to facilitate future updates to coral management approaches.
April 21, 1999
Omnibus Habitat Amendment 1 (OHA1) was prepared by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) to implement the essential fish habitat (EFH) provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act as reauthorized in 1996.
Framework Adjustments/Specifications
February 5, 2024
This omnibus action establishes a new Habitat Area of Particular Concern (HAPC) in Southern New England through framework adjustments to the groundfish, scallop, monkfish, skate, and Atlantic herring plans.
May 19, 2020
This framework adjustment would allow surfclam and mussel dredging under restrictive conditions in the Great South Channel Habitat Management Area (GSC HMA).