1. Staff Presentation on Scallop Committee Report
Scallop Framework 28:
2. Draft Scallop Framework 28
a. Table of Scallop Framework 28 Alternatives
b. Summary of Framework 28 Specification Alternatives
c. Draft Framework 28 impact analyses
d. Draft Framework 28 economic analysis
4. Correspondence
a. Additional Correspondence
5. Scallop PDT memo to the SSC re: OFL and ABCs for 2017 and 2018 (default)
6. Joint Scallop PDT/AP meeting motions, October 13, 2016
7. Scallop Committee Meeting Motions, Oct. 17, 2016
8. Scallop AP Meeting Motions, Nov. 2, 2016
9. Scallop Committee Meeting Motions, Nov. 3, 2016
10. Summary of Recent Scallop PDT Conference Calls (Oct. 21, Oct. 26, Oct. 28, Nov. 7, and Nov. 10).