
#1 Testing of a low profile scallop dredge and escape window for bycatch reduction

#2 Design and test of a hydrodynamic scallop dredge to reduce bycatch, minimize bottom impact and improve fuel efficiency

#3 Scallop fishery bycatch avoidance program

#4 Real-time electronic bycatch reporting pilot project

#5 Bycatch characterization in the SNE sea scallop fishery

#6 Identifying source sink dynamics in scallop populations of the Northwest Atlantic

#7 SystemsDeveloping tools to evaluate spawning and fertilization dymanics of giant sea scallop Phase II: field trials in experimental populations

#8 Habitat characterization and scallop enhancement study in CA1

#9 What causes gray meat in the Atlantic sea scallop in GB closed Areas? - will be posted soon

#10 What causes gray meat in the Atlantic sea scallop in GB closed Areas?

#11 Effects of mobile fishing gear on geological and biological structure: a GB closed vs. open area comparison

#12 Evaluating the condition and discard mortality of skates following capture and handling in the scallop dredge fishery

#13 Understanding impacts on scallop fishery on satellite tags of loggerhead sea turtles