Monday, June 24, 2024

Announcements, Introductions and Reports on Recent Activities

Reports on Recent Activities, cont'd

On-Demand Fishing Gear Conflict Working Group

Herring Committee

Herring Committee, cont'd

Herring Committee, cont'd and ASMFC Report

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Council Research Priorities and Data needs and NEFSC Report

NEFSC Report cont'd

IRA Funding and East Coast Climate Coordination

IRA Funding and East Coast Climate Coordination, cont'd

Climate, Ecosystems and Fisheries Initiatives

State of the Ecosystem

State of the Ecosystem, cont'd

Risk Policy Working Group

Risk Policy Working Group, cont'd

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ecosystem Approaches to Fishery Management

Fishery Independent Surveys and Mitigation Surveys

Fishery Independent Surveys and Mitigation Surveys, cont'd

Fishery Independent Surveys and Mitigation Surveys, cont'd

Habitat Committee

Public Comment

U.S./Canada Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee

Council Action Procedures

Groundfish Committee

Groundfish Committee, cont'd

Groundfish Committee, cont'd (Framework 69 and Assessments)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Scallop Committee

Northern Edge

Northern Edge, cont'd

Northern Edge, cont'd

Other Business