Management Status

1. Presentation, Council Staff

2. Atlantic Herring Committee motions for Council meeting

3. Amendment 10
a. Summary of Public Scoping Comments, Atlantic Herring Plan Development Team
b. See webpage for public scoping materials, meeting summaries, and written public comments:

4. Council’s Research Priorities
a. Atlantic Herring Plan Development Team memo to Atlantic Herring Committee re Updating 2022-2026 Council Research Priorities for Atlantic Herring, Apr. 1, 2024
b. Council Staff memo to Atlantic Herring Committee re Advisory Panel Feedback on 2022-2026 Council Research Priorities, Apr. 8, 2024

5. Meeting Summaries
a. Atlantic Herring Plan Development Team meeting, draft summary, May 10, 2024
b. Atlantic Herring Advisory Panel meeting, draft motions/summary, Jun. 13, 2024
c. Atlantic Herring Committee meeting, draft motions/summary, Jun. 14, 2024

6. Correspondence