1. Groundfish Committee meeting motions for Council meeting
2. Presentation: Groundfish Committee Report
3. Framework Adjustment 58/Specifications and Management Measures
a. Decision document for Framework Adjustment 58
b. Draft Environmental Assessment for Framework Adjustment 58 with appendices
c. Scallop PDT memo to Groundfish PDT re Scallop fishery bycatch projections for FY2019
d. Addendum: Additional impacts analysis- economic and habitat sections
4. Progress Reports
a. Memo from Groundfish PDT Chair to Committee on peer review of PDT analysis for Amendment 23
b. Memo from Groundfish PDT to Committee on joint PDT/AP/Committee meeting planning for Amendment 23
c. Memo from Council Staff to Committee on progress on the Council’s 2018 priorities for the recreational groundfish fishery
5. Meeting Summaries
a. Groundfish Advisory Panel Meeting Summary, Sept. 18, 2018
b. Groundfish Committee Meeting Summary, Sept. 18, 2018
c. Recreational Advisory Panel Meeting Motions or Summary, Oct. 29, 2018
d. Groundfish Advisory Panel Meeting Motions or Summary, Nov. 8, 2018
e. Groundfish Committee Meeting Motions or Summary, Nov. 8, 2018