2. Scallop Framework 29
a. Draft Framework 29 Action Plan
b. Draft Decision Document Framework 29
3. 2017 Priorities for Scallop FMP
4. Northern Gulf of Maine Management Measures
a. Northern Gulf of Maine Discussion Document
b. Update on the 2017 Northern Gulf of Maine Fishery
5. Flatfish Accountability Measures
a. Scallop fishery flatfish sub-ACLs and accountability measures discussion document
6. Outlook and plans for follow-up to the scallop survey peer-review
7. Background and potential modifications to access areas in future scallop actions
8. 2017/2018 Scallop RSA Award Announcement, including RSA-funded survey coverage maps
9. March 1, 2017 Scallop PDT meeting summary
10. March 21, 2017 Scallop PDT meeting summary
11. April 11, 2017 Scallop PDT meeting summary
12. March 29, 2017 Scallop Advisory Panel meeting summary