Sea Scallop Plan Overview
The Atlantic Sea Scallop FMP was implemented in 1982 to restore adult scallop stocks and reduce year-to-year fluctuations in stock abundance caused by variations in recruitment. The recovery of the scallop resource and consequent increase in landings and revenues is striking given that average scallop landings per year were below 16 million pounds from 1994-1998, or less than one-third of the present level of landings. The dramatic increase in scallop abundance has resulted in the development of a highly profitable commercial fishery in which Atlantic sea scallops are neither overfished, nor is overfishing occurring.Related News, Press Releases, and Announcements
- Council Seeks Input at Scallop Strategic Plan Visioning Sessions
- Scallops: Council Signs Off on Framework 39 with Measures for Fishing Year 2025; May 15th Delayed Opening for Access Areas
- Scallops: Council Receives 2024 Survey Season Overview and Framework 39 Update; Recaps Upcoming Work Priorities
- 2025 Scallop RSA Program Funding Opportunity Open Through September 30, 2024; Join August 8th Informational Webinar
- Council Approves Scallop RSA Program Changes and 2025-2027 RSA Priorities; Initiates Framework 39; Discusses Wind, Surveys
- Council Discontinues Work on Northern Edge Framework
- Scallop Research Set-Aside Program to Support 14 New Projects; Several 2024 Announcements Include Multi-Year Awards
- Northern Edge of Georges Bank: Council Narrows Range of Scallop Access Concept Areas for Further Analysis
- Come Join Us at the 49th Maine Fishermen’s Forum to Talk About Atlantic Cod, Atlantic Herring, Gulf of Maine Scallops
- Council Seeks Applicants to Fill 2024-2025 Advisory Panel Seats for Whiting, Skates, Monkfish, GAP/RAP, Herring, and Scallops
- Scallops: Council Advances Framework Adjustment 38 for Fishing Year 2024; Higher VMS Ping Rates Part of the Package
- Council Receives 2023 Scallop Survey Overview; Discusses VMS Ping Rates, Northern Edge; Approves Survey Guiding Principles
- 2024 Scallop RSA Program Funding Opportunity Open Through October 23, 2023; Join Informational Webinar on September 8
- Council Supports Changes to Scallop RSA Program and Sets 2024-2025 RSA Priorities; Initiates Framework Adjustment 38
- Vacancy Announcement: Council Seeks Fishery Specialist; Apply by July 7, 2023
- Scallop Research Set-Aside Program to Support 13 Projects for 2023-2024; Focus on Surveys, Biology, and Bycatch Reduction
- Scallops: Council Requests Control Date to Potentially Address Switching Between LAGC Permit Categories in Northern GOM
- Scallops: Council Signs Off on Framework 36 with Specifications and Other Measures for 2023 Fishing Year
- Scallop Leasing Off the Table; Council Decides Against Initiating an Amendment
- Scallops: Council Previews 2022 Survey Results; Receives Final Scallop Survey Working Group Report
- Scallop RSA Program: Time to Submit 2023-2024 Applications Based on Council Priorities; Apply by November 18, 2022
- Council Seeks Applicants for All 2023-2025 Advisory Panels; Wide Range of Monkfish, Groundfish, Rec Fishermen Needed
- Scallops: Council Initiates New Framework; Approves 2023-2024 Research-Set Aside Program Priorities
- Scallop Research Share Days: Tune in on May 5th and May 6th; Lineup Includes Enhancement Projects, Turtles, Offshore Wind
- Council Approves Scallop Leasing Scoping Document; Readies for Seven In-Person Meetings and Two Webinars
- Scallop Research Set-Aside Program to Support 15 Projects for 2022-2023
- Maine Forum to Host Northern Gulf of Maine Scallop Webinar on February 17; Fisheries Leadership Session March 23
- Scallops: Council Receives Final Report on Evaluation of Area Management and Update on Timeline for Scoping on Leasing
- Council Signs Off on 2022 Scallop Fishing Year Specifications in Framework 34, Folding in Approved Amendment 21 Measures
- Scallops: Council Receives 2021 Survey Season Overview; Updates on Framework 34 and Other Work Priorities
- Scallop RSA Program: Time to Submit Applications for 2022-2023 Awards Based on Council Research Priorities
- Scallops: Council Approves 2022-2023 RSA Priorities; Initiates Framework 34; Responds to Letter on Leasing Petition
- Council Seeks Independent Contractor to Assist with Evaluation of Atlantic Sea Scallop Rotational Management Program
- Scallop Research Share Days: Tune in on May 6th and May 12th; Offshore Wind, Aquaculture, Bycatch, Biology Projects on Deck
- Council Discusses Scallops, Habitat, Climate Change, NTAP, Congressional Updates, and Ecosystem at April Meeting
- Scallop Research Set-Aside Program Supports 13 Projects for 2021-2022; Focus on Surveys, Bycatch Reduction, Turtles
- Council Seeks Contractor to Support Scallop Survey Working Group
- Council Seeks Candidates for Scallop Survey Working Group
- Scallops: Council Signs Off on Framework 33 with Fishing Year 2021 Allocations and 2022 Defaults
- Council Seeks Applicants for Two Vacancies on Scallop AP
- Scallops: Council Receives Overview of 2020 Surveys, Along With Biomass Estimates and Initial Outlook for 2021
- Council Calendar: Here’s Our November 2020 Meeting Lineup: Groundfish, Scallops, Whiting, Habitat – Join Our Webinars!
- Scallop RSA Surveys Gather Essential Data During COVID-19
- Scallop Amendment 21: Council Adopts New Measures for Northern Gulf of Maine and LA General Category IFQ Fishery
- Scallop RSA Program: Time to Submit Applications for 2021-2022 Awards Based on Council Research Priorities
- Council Calendar: Here’s the August/September 2020 Meeting and Public Hearing Lineup – Join Our Webinars!
- Council Sets Scallop Amendment 21 Public Hearing Schedule
- Council to Host July 27th Webinar Training Session in Advance of Upcoming Scallop A21 and Groundfish A23 Public Hearings
- Scallops: Council Approves Amendment 21 for Public Hearings via Webinar; Adopts 2021-2022 RSA Priorities; Initiates FW 33
- Scallop RSA Share Day: Tune in on May 19th to Learn More About Important Industry-Funded Research Projects
- Scallops: Council Approves Amendment 21 Range of Alternatives; Requests Emergency Action Due to COVID-19
- Council Converts In-Person Committee and AP Meetings to Webinars to Address COVID-19 Concerns, Travel Restrictions
- Scallop Research Set-Aside Program Supports 12 Projects for 2020-2021
- Council Views Scallop Video; Honors Dr. Jim Weinberg; Receives Data Portal and Market Development Updates
- Scallops: Council Approves Framework 32 for 2020 Fishing Year
- Atlantic Sea Scallops: Council Receives Overview of 2019 Surveys and Progress Report on Framework Adjustment 32
- 2020-2021 Scallop RSA Competition Underway; September 20 Deadline for Project Proposals
- New England Joins Mid-Atlantic to Require eVTRs for Vessels with Federal Commercial Permits for Council-Managed Species
- NEFMC Seeks Applicants for Fishery Advisory Panels
- Scallops: Council Reviews Amendment 21 Scoping Comments; Initiates Framework 32; Approves 2020-2021 RSA Priorities
- Scallop RSA Program Supports 13 Projects for 2019-2020; Resource Surveys Top the List
- Council Hosts Offshore Wind Special Session; Discusses EBFM, Commercial eVTRs, and RSA Program Review
- Scallops: Council to Hold 10 Scoping Meetings on Northern Gulf of Maine, LAGC Amendment
- Scallops: Council Takes Final Action on Framework 30
- Scallops: Council Receives 2018 Survey Overview; Framework 30 Progress Report for Fishing Year 2019
- Council Seeks Input From Fishermen and Research Partners on RSA Programs; Take the Online Survey!
- Scallop RSA Competition Underway; 2019-2020 Proposals Due by October 1, 2018
- Scallops: Council Approves 2019-2020 Scallop RSA Priorities, Initiates Framework 30
- Scallop RSA Program: NEFMC and NEFSC Announce 2018-2019 Awards
- Council Streamlines Scallop Specification Process and Ranks 2018 Priorities; Discusses Enforcement Issues
- Scallops: Framework 29 “Highest Yield, Lowest Impact” Alternative Advances Following NMFS Habitat Decision
- Scallops: Council Approves Framework 29 with 2018-2019 Specs Under Four Potential Habitat Amendment Outcomes
- Council Receives 2017 Scallop Survey Overview and Progress Report on 2018 Management Measures in FW 29
- Scallop RSA Program: 2018-2019 Research Proposals Wanted; Application Deadline is November 6, 2017
- New England Council Seeks Applicants for Scallop Advisory Panel Vacancy
- Scallops: Council Approves IFQ Program Review, 2018-2019 RSA Priorities; Votes Down LAGC Control Date
- Northern Gulf of Maine Scallop Management Area to be Surveyed this Summer through Scallop RSA Program
- Scallops: New England Council Initiates Framework 29 to Address Northern Gulf of Maine, 2018-2019 Specs, Flatfish AMs
- NEFMC and NEFSC Announce 2017-2018 Recommended Scallop RSA Awards
- Council Approves Scallop Framework 28 with 2017-2018 Specs
- Council Reviews Sea Scallop Survey Findings and FW 28 Status
- Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside Awards Announced
- Scallop RSA Proposals Now Being Solicited for 2017 and 2018
- 2016/2017 Atlantic Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside (RSA) Program - Proposals Due October 31, 2015
- NEFMC Inshore Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishing Workshop
- 2015 Sea Scallop Research Awards Announced
- Summary Report from the March 17-19 Sea Scallop Survey Methodologies Review
- Peer Review of Sea Scallop Survey Methodologies, March 17-19, New Bedford, MA.
- Small sea scallop is big business for Virginia
- 2015-2016 Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside Solicitation
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
Plan Amendments, Frameworks, and Specifications
Plan Amendments
January 12, 2022
Three specific issues are addressed in this action: 1) measures related to the Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM) Management Area, 2) Limited Access General Category (LAGC) individual fishing quota (IFQ) possession limits, and 3) ability of Limited Access vessels with LAGC IFQ to transfer quota to LAGC IFQ only vessels.
June 25, 2021
This Amendment is part of the Omnibus Deep-Sea Coral Amendment.
November 3, 2016
Amendment 19 establishes a specifications process outside of the current framework adjustment process and adjusts the start of the scallop fishing year from March 1 to April 1.
February 7, 2020
This Amendment is part of the Omnibus Industry-Funded Monitoring Amendment and Environmental Assessment.
June 30, 2015
This action establishes standards of precision for bycatch estimation for all Northeast Region fisheries.
July 22, 2011
Amendment 15 was developed primarily to implement annual catch limits (ACLs) and accountability measures (AMs) to bring the Scallop FMP into compliance with requirements of the MSA as reauthorized in 2007. Amendment 15 includes additional measures recommended by the Council, including: A revision of the overfishing definition (OFD); modification of the essential fish habitat (EFH) closed areas under the Scallop FMP; adjustments to measures for the Limited Access General Category (LAGC) individual fishing quota (IFQ) fishery; adjustments to the scallop research set-aside (RSA) program; and additions to the list of measures that can be adjusted by framework adjustments. NMFS has disapproved a provision that would have allocated additional scallop catch to the LAGC fleet because it was not consistent with National Standard 1 and the ACL requirement of the MSA.
April 9, 2018
This action implements approved regulations for the New England Fishery Management Council’s Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2.
June 12, 2007
Amendment 13 was developed to permanently re-activate the industryfunded observer program in the Scallop FMP through a scallop total allowable catch (TAC) and days-at-sea (DAS) setaside program that helps vessel owners defray the cost of carrying observers. The following observer program management measures are implemented by this rule: Requirements for becoming an approved observer service provider; observer certification and decertification criteria; and notification requirements for vessel owners and/or operators. This action also requires scallop vessel owners, operators, or vessel managers to procure certified fishery observers for specified scallop fishing trips from an approved observer service provider. Additionally, this action allows adjustments to the observer program to be done through framework action.
June 1, 2007
SBRM Amendment measures include: Bycatch reporting and monitoring echanisms; analytical techniques and allocation of at-sea fisheries observers; an SBRM performance standard; a review and reporting process; ramework adjustment and annual specifications provisions; a prioritization process; and provisions for industry-funded observers and observer set-aside programs.
September 24, 2004
Amendment 11 was developed by the Council to control the capacity of the open access general category fleet. Amendment 11 establishes a new management program for the general category scallop fishery, including a limited access program with individual fishing quotas (IFQs) for qualified general category vessels, a specific allocation for general category fisheries, and other measures to improve management of the general category scallop fishery.
December 19, 2003
Amendment 10 includes a long-term, comprehensive program to manage the sea scallop fishery through an area rotation management program to maximize scallop yield. Areas will be defined and will be closed and reopened to fishing on a rotational basis, depending on the condition and size of the scallop resource in the areas. This rule includes measures to minimize the adverse effects of fishing on Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) to the extent practicable. Amendment 10 also includes updated days-at-sea (DAS) allocations, measures to minimize bycatch to the extent practicable, and other measures to make the management program more effective, efficient, and flexible. In addition, NMFS publishes the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control numbers for collectionof- information requirements contained in this final rule.
April 21, 1999
Omnibus Habitat Amendment 1 (OHA1) was prepared by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) to implement the essential fish habitat (EFH) provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act as reauthorized in 1996.
February 19, 1999
These amendments implement regulations to achieve regulatory consistency on vessel permitting for FMPs which have limited access permits issued by the Northeast Region of the NMFS
October 7, 1998
Amendment 7 final regulations reduce the fishing mortality rate in the Atlantic sea scallop fishery to eliminate overfishing and to rebuild the biomass in accordance with the requirements of the Sustainable Fisheries Act.
February 10, 1997
Amendment 6 provides a framework abbreviated rulemaking process to address gear conflicts in the New England and MidAtlantic regions.
July 11, 1996
The final rule closes a 9 mi2 (23.31 km2) site to transiting and fishing with other than hand gear for an 18-month period to allow for the conduct of a NMFS sponsored sea scallop aquaculture research project, provides for exemptions from the closure for vessels using certain gear types and for vessels participating in the project, and provides for temporary exemptions for vessels participating in the project from certain fishing regulations that might inhibit or prevent their performing any activity necessary for project operations.
March 1, 1994
Amendment 4 substantially revises the management of the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery, especially regarding effort control in the fishery, permits and reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
February 5, 1990
This rule requires: All sea scallop dredge vessels and all vessels landing more than 5 bushels (176.2 L) of sea scallops in the shell to offload all fish (as defined in 50 CFR 620.2, which includes sea scallops) within a specified 12-hour offloading period; and (2) all other vessels landing more than 40 pounds (18.1 kg) of shucked scallop to offload all sea scallops within a specified 12-hour offloading period.
July 22, 1988
Amendment 2 (1) specifies a 10 percent increase in the meat count standard during the months of October, November, December, and January, the primary period when spawning causes reduction in individual meat weight of scallops that have reached harvestable age; and (2) provides a framework regulatory mechanism to change the magnitude and/or timing of the adjustment of the meat count standard during the spawning season.
December 30, 1986
This final rule implements a Secretarial Amendment to (1) supersede Amendment 1 to the Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Sea Scallops (FMP), (2) provide authority to the Director, Northeast Region, NMFS (Regional Director) to grant exemptions from the regulations for the conduct of experimental fishery operations beneficial to the sea scallop resource or fishery and (3) make a change in the sampling criteria used to measure compliance with the meat count standard.
Framework Adjustments/Specifications
Under Development
June 27, 2024
This action proposes 2025 fishing year specifications, 2026 default specifications, revisions to seasonal bycatch closures to improve scallop yield, and measures to allow Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM) permit holders fishing on directed scallop trips in the NGOM Management Area to possess scallops south of 42° 20'.
March 22, 2024
This action proposes specifications for fishing year 2024, default specifications for 2025, and increasing the VMS-reporting rate seaward of the demarcation line on declared scallop trips.
June 27, 2024
UPDATE: On June 27, 2024, the New England Fishery Management Council voted to “discontinue development” of the Northern Edge framework, citing the following rationale.
April 3, 2023
Scallop Framework 36 proposes specifications for fishing year 2023, default specifications for 2024, and other measures.
February 5, 2024
This omnibus action establishes a new Habitat Area of Particular Concern (HAPC) in Southern New England through framework adjustments to the groundfish, scallop, monkfish, skate, and Atlantic herring plans.
March 30, 2022
Framework Adjustment 34 contains specifications for the 2022 scallop fishing year, default specifications for 2023, and measures developed under Amendment 21 that are approved by NMFS.
May 19, 2021
This framework proposes specifications for fishing year 2021, default specifications for 2022, and other measures.
March 31, 2020
This framework contains proposed specifications for the 2020 scallop fishing year, default specifications for 2021, and measures to mitigate impacts on Georges Bank yellowtail flounder.
May 19, 2020
Omnibus Clam Dredge Framework
March 27, 2019
Framework Adjustment 30 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan establishes scallop specifications and other measures for fishing years 2019 and 2020. This action is necessary to respond to updated scientific information, and the intended effect of this rule is to prevent overfishing, improve both yield-per-recruit and the overall management of the Atlantic sea scallop resource, and implement these measures for the 2019 fishing year.
January 30, 2018
March 26, 2018
NMFS approves and implements those measures included in Framework Adjustment 29 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan that establish fishing year 2018 and 2019 scallop specifications and other measures for the Northern Gulf of Maine scallop management area. This action is necessary to prevent overfishing and improve both yield-per-recruit and the overall management of the Atlantic sea scallop resource in the Northern Gulf of Maine. The intended effect of this rule is to implement these measures for the 2018 fishing year.
April 19, 2018
NMFS approves and implements measures included in Framework Adjustment 29 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan that establish fishing year 2018 and 2019 scallop specifications and other measures. The measures in this rule are in addition to the Northern Gulf of Maine management measures of Framework 29 that were published in a separate final rule on March 26, 2018. This action is necessary to prevent overfishing and improve both yield-per-recruit and the overall management of the Atlantic sea scallop resource. The intended effect of this rule is to implement these measures for the 2018 fishing year.
NMFS approves and implements those measures included in Framework Adjustment 29 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan that establish fishing year 2018 and 2019 scallop specifications and other measures for the Northern Gulf of Maine scallop management area. This action is necessary to prevent overfishing and improve both yield-per-recruit and the overall management of the Atlantic sea scallop resource in the Northern Gulf of Maine. The intended effect of this rule is to implement these measures for the 2018 fishing year.
April 19, 2018
NMFS approves and implements measures included in Framework Adjustment 29 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan that establish fishing year 2018 and 2019 scallop specifications and other measures. The measures in this rule are in addition to the Northern Gulf of Maine management measures of Framework 29 that were published in a separate final rule on March 26, 2018. This action is necessary to prevent overfishing and improve both yield-per-recruit and the overall management of the Atlantic sea scallop resource. The intended effect of this rule is to implement these measures for the 2018 fishing year.
March 27, 2017
This framework sets specifications for the scallop fishery for fishing year 2017; revises the way we allocate catch to the limited access general category individual fishing quota fleet to reflect the spatial management of the scallop fishery; and implements a 50-bushel shell stock possession limit for limited access vessels inshore of the days-at-sea demarcation line north of 42° 20′ N. lat.
May 4, 2016
Framework 27 sets specifications for the scallop fishery for fishing year 2016, including days-at-sea allocations, individual fishing quotas, and sea scallop access area trip allocations; creates a new rotational closed area south of Closed Area 2 to protect small scallops; opens the northern portion of the Nantucket Lightship Access Area to the Limited Access General Category fleet; transfers 19 percent of the Limited Access General Category access area trips from the Mid-Atlantic Access Area to the northern portion of the Nantucket Lightship Access Area; and implements an accountability measure to the fishing year 2016 Northern Gulf of Maine Total Allowable Catch as a result of a fishing year 2015 catch overage.
April 21, 2015
Framework 26 sets fishing specifications for 2015, including catch limits, days-at sea allocations, individual fishing quotas, and sea scallop access area trip allocations.
April 17, 2014
Framework 25 sets specifications for the Atlantic sea scallop fishery for fishing year 2014, including days-at-sea allocations, individual fishing quotas, and sea scallop access area trip allocations.
May 20, 2013
Framework 24 sets specifications for the Atlantic sea scallop fishery for the 2013 fishing year, including days-at-sea allocations, individual fishing quotas, and sea scallop access area trip allocations.
May 7, 2012
Framework 23 minimizes impacts on sea turtles through the requirement of a turtle deflector dredge; improve the effectiveness of the scallop fishery’s accountability measures related to the yellowtail flounder annual catch limits; adjust the limited access general category Northern Gulf of Maine management program; and modify the scallop vessel monitoring system trip notification procedures to improve flexibility for the scallop fleet.
August 1, 2011
The specifications in Framework 22 are based on, and are being implemented in conjunction with, the management measures in Amendment 15 to the FMP (Amendment 15) that establish the process for setting annual catch limits (ACLs) and accountability measures (AMs) to bring the FMP into compliance with the requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA).
June 28, 2010
Framework 21 specifies the following management measures for the 2010 scallop fishery: Total allowable catch (TAC); open area days-at-sea (DAS) and Sea Scallop Access Area (access area) trip allocations; DAS adjustments if an access area yellowtail flounder (YTF) TAC is caught;
December 24, 2007
This action maintains the trip allocations and possession limits established the interim measures that were enacted by NMFS on June 21, 2007, for the Elephant Trunk Access Area (ETAA) in 2007 to reduce the potential for overfishing the Atlantic sea scallop (scallop) resource and excessive scallop mortality.
June 1, 2008
Framework 19 was developed to achieve the following management measures for the scallop fishery: Limited access scallop fishery specifications for 2008 and 2009 (open area days-at-sea (DAS) and Sea Scallop Access Area (access area) trip allocations);
June 15, 2006
Scallop fishery specifications for 2006 and 2007 (open area days-at-sea (DAS) and Scallop Access Area trip allocations); scallop Area Rotation Program adjustments; and revisions to management measures that would improve administration of the FMP. In addition, a seasonal closure of the Elephant Trunk Access Area (ETAA) is implemented to reduce potential interactions between the scallop fishery and sea turtles, and to reduce finfish and scallop bycatch mortality.
October 21, 2005
Framework 17 requires that vessels issued a general category scallop permit and that intend to land over 40 lb (18.14 kg) of shucked, or 5 bu (176.2 L) of in-shell scallops, install and operate vessel monitoring systems (VMS).
November 2, 2004
The Joint Frameworks establish Scallop Access Areas within Northeast (NE) multispecies Closed Area I (CAI), Closed Area II (CAII), and the Nantucket Lightship Closed Area (NLCA).
March 1, 2003
NMFS issues this final rule to implement Framework 15 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan (FMP) developed by the New England Fishery Management Council (Council).
May 1, 2001
This final rule implements management measures for the 2001 and 2002 fishing years, including a days-at-sea (DAS) adjustment, a Sea Scallop Area Access Program (Area Access Program) for two areas that have been closed to scallop fishing in the Mid-Atlantic, and a 50–bu (17.62 hectoliters (hl)) possession restriction of in-shell scallops on vessels shoreward of the vessel monitoring system (VMS) demarcation line.
June 15, 2000
This final rule implements the 2000 Sea Scallop Exemption Program (Exemption Program), creates Sea Scallop Exemption Areas (Exemption Areas) in portions of multispecies Closed Area I (CA I), Closed Area II (CA II), and the Nantucket Lightship Closed Area (NLCA) and includes the following management measures:
March 1, 2000
The intent of Framework Adjustment 12 and these final regulations is to adjust the limited access scallop days-at-sea (DAS) allocations for the fishing year March 1, 2000, through February 28, 2001.
June 15, 1999
This final rule creates a 1999 seasonal Georges Bank Sea Scallop Exemption Area (Exemption Area) in and adjacent to Closed Area II and includes the following primary measures for vessels fishing in the Exemption Area:
August 28, 1998
These regulations extend the closure of a 9 mi2 (23.31 km2) site to transiting and fishing with other than hand gear for an 18-month period to allow for the conduct of a NMFS-sponsored sea scallop aquaculture research project.
August 13, 1997
These regulations exempt limited access and general category permit holders fishing exclusively under the State Waters Exemption Program (Exemption Program) from the 400 lb (181.44 kg) trip limit.
July 19, 1996
This rule expands the qualification criteria for limited access vessels fishing under the scallop days-at-sea (DAS) program to use trawl nets to include vessels with an engine of no greater than 450 horsepower that have used a scallop dredge on no more than 10 trips from January 1, 1988, through December 31, 1994.
March 11, 1996
This framework adjustment permanently reduces the maximum crew-size from nine to seven.
August 9, 1995
This action modifies a demarcation line in the current regulations that is used to monitor vessel activity. The intent of this action is to enhance enforcement capability.
July 31, 1995
This rule implements measures that prohibit limited access vessels, fishing under the days-at-sea (DAS) program, from using trawl nets, with the exception of vessels that have not used a scallop dredge since January 1, 1988, to the present, and requires all dredges to have a minimum number of rows of steel rings extending from the ‘‘after end’’ to the club stick.
May 1, 1995
This framework adjustment temporarily adjusts the maximum crew limit on certain vessels participating in the scallop fishery from nine to seven through February 29, 1996.
December 4, 1995
This rule implements framework adjustments that revise a provision in each of the FMPs that requires all permit applicants to own a fishing vessel at the time they apply for or renew a limited access permit.
November 16, 1994
This rule implements an exemption from Federal gear regulations for vessels when fishing in state waters under a state scallop management program.
August 17, 1994
This framework adjustment temporarily adjusts the maximum crew limit, redesignates the fishing year for sea scallop to being on March 1 each year, and refines existing gear requirements