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Meeting Notice

1. Meeting Information
a. Meeting Agenda
b. Meeting Memo from Committee Chair, Ms. Melanie Griffin
c. Staff Presentations
i. Council Staff – Framework 39 - Updated
ii. Council Staff – 2024 Priorities
NEFSC - Observer Kept and Discard Data Update

2. Framework 39
a. 2024 Scallop Survey Biomass Estimates
b. Preliminary – Projections of exploitable biomass 2025 (circulated when available)
c. Fishery Performance Report - Scallop landings grades and LPUE
d. Staff memo to Groundfish and Scallop Committees re scallop fishery flatfish sub-ACLs and AMs Council priority
e. Scallop PDT memo to Scallop Committee re: Flatfish Accountability Measures

3. Scallop Priorities
a. 2024 Scallop Work Priorities
b. Draft Strategic Plan Discussion Document

4. Recent PDT Meeting Summaries (July – September, 2024)

5. Correspondence

Background Materials:

6. Survey Short Reports:
a. VIMS dredge
i. VIMS Short Report Part 1
ii. VIMS Short Report Part 2
iii. VIMS Short Report Part 3

b. SMAST drop camera
i. Georges Bank
ii. Gulf of Maine


d. Coonamessett Farm Foundation HabCam

i. Dredge
ii. HabCam

7. Link to materials from August 28 and 29, 2024 Scallop PDT meeting, including survey group presentations.

8. Scallop Research Set-Aside
a. 2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity
b. Link to program page on
c. Council press release re: 2025/2026 Priorities and regional surveys.

9. NOAA Fisheries Gear Conflict Notice for Lobster Area 4

10. GRTS Peer-Review Documents
a. Overview
b. Report
c. Presentation