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Meeting Notice

1. Meeting memo

2. Agenda

3. Presentation, Council Staff

4. Framework Adjustment 69
a. Draft alternatives
b. Draft affected environment - Not available
c. Draft impacts analysis
d. Memo from the Groundfish PDT to Committee re GB haddock mid-water trawl/herring fishery sub-ACL review
e. Memo from the Groundfish PDT to Committee re Atlantic halibut sub-component review follow-up - Updated
f. Memo from the Groundfish PDT to Committee re cod common pool measures follow-up
g. Memo from the Groundfish PDT to Committee re scallop fishery possession limit for Atlantic cod
h. Past Groundfish Committee meeting materials located here (see document set #4):

5. Meeting motions or summaries
a. Joint RAP/GAP, October 28, 2024
b. Groundfish Committee, October 29, 2024
c. Joint GAP/RAP, draft meeting motions, November 21, 2024

6. Correspondence

7. SSC report on GB yellowtail flounder, GB cod, and EGB apportionment

8. SSC report on EGOM cod, WGOM cod, and SNE cod

9. SSC report on witch flounder, GOM and GB haddock, plaice, pollock, and halibut