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Meeting Notice

Agenda - Updated

Meeting Materials:
1. Staff presentation
2. 2018/2019 Scallop RSA awards
3. 2019/2020 Scallop RSA awards
4. 2020//2021 Scallop RSA Awards
5. 2021/2022 Scallop RSA Awards
6. 2022/2023 Scallop RSA Awards
7. 2023/2024 Scallop RSA Awards
8. 2024/2025 Scallop RSA Awards
9. NEFMC’s Scallop Research Priorities and Data Needs, 2022-2026

Presentations/Research Topics:
10. Upcoming Research: Workshop on the State of Knowledge Related to Scallop Enhancement
a. Short Report
b. Presentation

11. Cracking the Shell: Lessons learned from a collaborative approach to developing hatchery production of the Atlantic sea scallop, Placopecten magelannicus.
a. Short Report
b. Presentation

12. Modified Twine Top as a Tool to Reduce Bycatch in the Sea Scallop Dredge Fishery
a. Short Report
b. Presentation

13. Continued Testing Into How Cutting Bar Modifications Can Reduce Bycatch and Increase Catch Efficiency in the Atlantic Sea Scallop Dredge Fishery
a. Short Report
b. Presentation