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  1. Executive Director’s Report – Tom Nies
    1a. Budget Overview
    1b. Program Review Update
  2. Management Action Timelines
  3. Ropeless Gear Interactions with Mobile Gear
  4. RSA Program Transition Update
    4a. March 23 letter from GARFO re RSA transition
    4b. February 6 letter to GARFO re RSA awards
    4c. March 23 letter from NEFSC re Scallop Survey Working Group
  5. 2023 Multispecies Priorities
    5a. Atlantic Cod Management Transition Plan
    5b. Draft Groundfish ABC Control Rules
    5c. Groundfish Outlook by Quarter in 2023
  6. Discussion of recent correspondence on GOM haddock
  7. East Coast Scenario Planning Update
  8. ED Final Decision process
  9. Database Transition Updates
  10. Council Meeting Preparations
  11. Other business

Closed Session: Advisory Panel Chair Appointment