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1. Tasking memo from Committee Chair, Peter Kendall
2. Staff presentation for meeting
4. Draft Action Plan (2019-2021 Specifications)
5. Draft Framework 6 (2019-2021 Specifications)
6. PDT Memo, Updated 2019-2021 projections (March 15, 2018)
7. Draft Management Uncertainty analysis for 2019-2021 specifications
7a. Draft River herring/shad PDT analysis for 2019-2021 specifications
7b. Draft sub-ACL percentages analysis for 2019-2021 specifications
8. ASMFC Addendum II public hearing document
8a. Staff presentation for ASMFC Addendum II
9. Draft 5-year Herring Research Priorities (with PDT input to consider)
10. Correspondence