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Meeting Notice (please note different start times for each day)

  1. Meeting Agenda
  2. SARC 65 Assessment Summary Report
  3. Scallop survey results: Short reports
    1. VIMS
    2. SMAST
    3. CFF
    4. WHOI
      f. NEFSC – dredge survey
  4. Draft preliminary combined biomass estimates for 2018
    1. Updated NLS estimates
  5. Information on survey data treatment
    1. VIMS SH/MW Analysis for ET and NL survey areas
    2. VIMS Length Frequency Distributions for the ET and NL survey areas
    3. Recap of survey group call, July 16, 2018
  6. Scallop VMS data by SAMS area (April 2018 – July 2018)
  7. LPUE and landings/price data by market grade
  8. Kept and discard information from NEFOP observer program
    1. Scallop Meat Quality
    2. Kept and discarded scallops by area/component
  9. Framework 30
    1. Action Plan
  10. LAGC IFQ Trip Limits
    1. Potential Impacts of Changes in the Possession Limit for the LAGC IFQ fishery
    2. Summary points of preliminary impacts
    3. Vessel baseline restrictions in LAGC IFQ fishery
    4. Information on LAGC IFQ crew size
    5. Summary of trip cost model
  11. Draft 2018 Scallop Work Priorities and potential 2019 research priorities
  12. Final PDT Meeting Summary, July 25, 2018

Presentations (will be updated as talks become available)

P1. Scallop survey presentations
c. CFF

P2. SARC 65 Summary Presentation
P3. VIMS Scallop Growth
P4. VIMS Nematode
P5. CFF Scallop disease presentation
P6. SMAST Grey Meat Survey

Background and Supporting Information

B1. Link to LAGC IFQ program review webpage

B2. LAGC IFQ Trip Limit Discussion Document

B3. PDT memo to SSC re: FW29 OFL and ABC, October 7, 2017

B4. Projected Exploitable Biomass for FY 2018 and 2019 from FW29

B5. SARC 65 – Appendix 2: Shell Height/Meat Weight Equations