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Meeting Notice

Please note the meeting times:
August 21 - 1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
August 22 – 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

1. Meeting Memo and Agenda
2. Timeline and eFEP component task list
3. Draft example Fishery Ecosystem Plan (eFEP)
4A. Example Fishery Ecosystem Plan, Purpose and Overview (eFEP)
4c Catch management framework and limits for stock complexes
4E Forage Fish Policy, Council Staff
4F. Spatial Management Measures for Habitat, Spawning and Species of Concern Protection
4G. eFEP Components Jurisdiction, cooperation, and coordination amongst management authorities
4H eFEP Permit & Allocation Approaches
4I. Incentive-based management options
4J. eFEP Options for Supporting EBFM through catch monitoring, ecosystem data collection, and research
5. Correspondence