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Meeting Summary - Groundfish
Meeting Summary - Skates
Groundfish Documents
1.0 Memo from Tom Nies to SSC re: Terms of Reference
1.1 Memo to SSC from groundfish PDT re: Georges Bank yellowtail flounder ABC
1.2 TRAC Status Report - Georges Bank yellowtail flounder
1.3 TRAC Stock Assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 2015
1.4 Memo to Tom Nies from SSC re: Overfishing levels (OFLs) and acceptable biological catch (ABC)
1.5 Presentation, TRAC 2015 Georges Bank yellowtail flounder assessment
1.6 Presentation, NEFMC, Georges Bank yellowtail flounder ABCs
Skate Documents
2.0 Memo from Tom Nies to SSC re: Terms of Reference
2.1 Memo to SSC from Skate PDT re NE skate complex ABC's
2.2 Report Evaluation the Condition and discard mortality of skate following capture
2.3 Memo to John Bullard from Dr. William Karp re: update of skate stock status