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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
9:00 a.m. Introductions and Announcements (Chairman Dr. John Quinn)
9:05 Reports on Recent Activities
Council Chairman, Council Executive Director, NOAA’s Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) Regional Administrator, NOAA General Counsel, Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC), Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA Enforcement
10:45 Monkfish Report (Vincent Balzano)
11:00 Industry-Funded Monitoring (IFM) Omnibus Amendment (Carrie Nordeen, GARFO)
12:00 p.m. Lunch Break
1:15 Open Period for Public Comment
Opportunity for the public to provide brief comments on issues relevant to Council business but not listed on this agenda (please limit remarks to 3-5 minutes)
1:30 Atlantic Herring Committee Report (Peter Kendall)
5:00 Skate Scoping Hearing (Dr. Matt McKenzie)
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
8:30 a.m.Closed Session (Dr. John Quinn)
Consult on Scientific and Statistical Committee appointments for 2017-2019
8:45 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (Brian Hooker)
9:45 Cooperative Research Review (Dr. Jon Hare, NEFSC)
10:10 Lenfest Fishery Ecosystem Task Force (Lenfest staff)
11:00 Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management Report (John Pappalardo)
12:00 p.m.Lunch Break
1:30 Stock Assessment Workshop (SAW)/Stock Assessment Review Committee (SARC) Report (Dr. Jim Weinberg)
2:30 Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Report (Jason McNamee)
3:15 Groundfish (Terry Stockwell)
Thursday, January 26, 2017
8:30 a.m. Council Programmatic Review (Executive Director Tom Nies)
9:30 Fishery Dependent Data Visioning Project (Barry Clifford, GARFO)
10:30 Marine Mammal Commission (MMC) (Rebecca Lent, MMC)
12:00 p.m. Other Business
This meeting will be recorded. Consistent with 16 USC 1852, a copy of the recording is available upon request.