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In January 2016, the Council approved conducting a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to support the development of alternatives for an ABC control rule. MSE is a collaborative decision-making process involving more public input and technical analysis than the normal amendment development process. The MSE will help determine how a range of control rules may perform relative to potential objectives. The Council held an initial public workshop in May 2016 to develop recommendations for a range of potential objectives of the ABC control rule, how progress towards these objectives may be measured, and the control rules to test. In June 2016, after reviewing the workshop recommendations and additional input from the Herring Plan Development Team, Advisory Panel, and Committee, the Council approved moving forward with the MSE. Technical work has been underway ever since. The December 2016 workshop will review outcomes of the technical work and give additional input to the Council.

Meeting Notice

1. Cover Memo

2. Workshop Agenda

3. Workshop Overview

4. Presentations

a. MSE Introduction
b. MSE Process Overview
c. Herring Operating Models and Control Rules
d. Predator Models
e. Herring Output Metrics
f. Economic Output Metrics
g. Herring Metrics and Models
h. Predator Output Metrics
i. Introduction to Tradeoffs

5. Workshop Background Document

6. Final report from first Atlantic herring ABC control rule MSE workshop, May 2016

7. Atlantic herring ABC control rule MSE summary of recommendations to the NEFMC, June 2016

8. Council’s Risk Policy Road Map, June 2016

9. Punt, A.E. (2015) Strategic management decision-making in a complex world: quantifying, understanding, and using trade-offs

Hotel Reservations

Sheraton Harborside Hotel, Portsmouth, NH -  The last day to reserve is November 20, if you reserve after that date rooms and/or rate may not be available.